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Official Website of International Best Selling Author 
Adrienne Barr

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My "Why"

Everyone has a purpose for the goals they strive. It's the reason you pursue a goal, a dream whether that be it be short term or long term. My reason for all that I do to include my writing, my full-time job, my community service works, my dedication to my church, the love I pour into my daughter and other relationships is simply this, everyone deserves to be seen. I write for those little children and the child still residing in adults. My goal is to for my readers feel and someone is encouraging them to overcome their fears.


I want my readers to understand the importance of holding onto a positive community and to love themselves unconditionally. Love is the foundation of all. When you love yourself, you respect yourself and others. You make better life choices and can fully live into your Divine purpose. When someone knows that someone did something with them in mind, that sparks the energy of love and removes a layer of feeling alone. There is a huge difference between feeling alone and being lonely. There are people, children; who feel alone, unwanted, unrepresented. That is the person I seek to reach. I want them to know to their core they are never alone, someone wants them to achieve their greatest potential, and unconditionally cares for them. 


Because of you!


According to Gilbert K. Chesterton, "thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder."

Due to your love, support, and encouragement, I was able to achieve goals and milestones greater than I could have imagined. Your energy inspires me to continue writing children's books that highlight the total person encouraging us all to appreciate the little things as well as guidance to overcome any obstacle.


Thank you for all of your pictures shared with your little ones, thank you for the text messages/DMs, and leaving reviews. Reviews are the lifeblood for an indie author. Your reviews on any and all platforms are incredibly helpful.  


Thank you for visiting my website!


Many Blessings,


Adrienne Barr

Want to help support future books?

Being an Indie Author has been an amazing and eye-opening experience. I love that I have full creative control over my characters and my vision. Unfortunately, most traditionally published authors signed with  well known publishers don't have that level of creative freedom; however, they are fortunate to have the financial backing of those large well-known publishing companies. I am not there yet and am still growing my business. Investing in co-creative partnerships with illustrators, editors, formatters, and marketing takes a toll on an indie author's business. 


If you would like to support this business' future books and creative projects, please feel free to donate. Sending my gratitude to you for your monetary donate. 

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Customer Testimonials

What They’re Saying

Author Crystal McLean

This book is absolutely amazing! So many children deal with anxiety and don’t even understand what it is. But to highlight this in such a beautifully illustrated book is beautiful. My daughter dealt with anxiety during the first week of virtual school and I’m so excited to be adding this book to our library to teach her how to breathe through those intense moments! Amazing book.

-Author Crystal McLean "Harmoney & The Empty Piggy Bank"


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I LOVE connecting with people on social media. It makes our connections stronger and you can follow along my journey! Additionally, I can follow you back and cheer your successes.  Please feel free to follow me on social media, like, comment and share posts. Enjoy my below real time Instagram feed. Make sure you follow me on Facebook too!

Instagram: @Dreanie_Nicole

Facebook: Author Adrienne Barr

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